Public Hearing on Proposed Updates and Amendments to Town of Bayfield Comprehensive Plan


Notice of Hearing – Town of Bayfield Comprehensive Plan

A public hearing to discuss the proposed updates and amendments to the Town of Bayfield Comprehensive Plan and the possible adoption of an ordinance to adopt the updated and amended comprehensive plan shall be held at the:

Bayfield Town Hall, 85450 County Hwy J, Bayfield, WI 54814

on Monday, June 14th, 2021, at 5:30 PM.

Note: The Town of Bayfield will be following State and County recommendations related to COVID-19 and public gatherings.  If the local COVID-19 situation does not allow for safe public gatherings as the meeting date approaches, the decision could be made to hold the Public Hearing via the online platform Zoom rather than in person.  In that case, information on how to join would be posted at www.townofbayfieldwi.gov and on the Bayfield Town Hall Bulletin Board in advance of the meeting.

The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan in summary contains the following items: 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update.

Kelly Faye, Clerk for the Town of Bayfield, may be contacted to provide additional information on the proposed comprehensive plan and ordinance at the Bayfield Town Hall, 85450 County Hwy J, Bayfield, WI 54814 on Tuesdays from 8AM-4PM, by phone at 715-779-5671, or e-mail to [email protected].

A copy of the updated comprehensive plan may be inspected prior to the hearing at the Bayfield Town Hall on Tuesdays from 8AM-4PM.

A copy of the updated comprehensive plan may be obtained by contacting the Clerk at the Bayfield Town Hall on the following dates and during the following times: Tuesdays, 8AM-4PM. 

The document can also be viewed online at the following link:
