Town Office
The Bayfield Town Hall the main Town Garage are located at 85450 County Highway J, Bayfield, WI 54814. Please see the Contact Us tab for a link to directions via Mapquest.
The Town Clerk Office Hours are Tuesdays 8:00AM-4:00 PM. Any variances from this schedule will be posted on the door to the Town Hall.
Town Meetings
The Regular Monthly Town Board meetings are generally scheduled for each third Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. The Town Board may choose to vary from this schedule occasionally if necessary. Special Town Board meetings are also occasionally scheduled to discuss issues between regular meetings. Please check the Calendar link for the next scheduled Town Board meeting.
The Regular Monthly Plan Commission meetings are generally scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM. The Plan Commission may choose to vary from this schedule if necessary. Special Plan Commission meetings are also occasionally scheduled to discuss issues between regular meetings. Please check the Calendar link for the next scheduled Plan Commission meeting.
The Public Comment item on each Town Board and Plan Commission agenda is a time set aside for residents to bring up issues for discussion. If you would like to request that an issue or concern be officially placed on the next agenda for potential action, please contact the Town Chairman, the Plan Commission Chairman, or the Town Clerk. Please see the Town Contacts Tab.
Meeting agendas are generally posted the week prior to the planned meeting. All notices are posted no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting and at a minimum of three places within the Town: 1) The Bulletin Board in front of the Town Hall, 2) The Old Town Garage door (adjacent to the Town Hall) and 3) The Star Route Garage door (located in the Settlement). Notices are also posted on the Town of Bayfield website.
Elections and Voting
Please complete a Voter Registration Form, available at the Forms and Permits section of the website and submit to the Town Clerk. Proof of Residence is required. See application for acceptable documents. Additional registration options are available at
Registered Voters of the Town of Bayfield may request absentee ballots by completing an Absentee Request Form available at the Forms and Permits section of the website and submitting to the Town Clerk. Please check the Calendar tab for election and voting dates. As of October 3, 2014, a copy of your Photo ID is required to vote absentee in the State of Wisconsin. Please visit for more information on acceptable forms of ID and how to obtain a free ID.
Town of Bayfield residents vote at the Bayfield Town Hall, 85450 County Highway J, Bayfield, WI 54814.
Yes, you are required to have a valid photo ID to vote in Wisconsin. Please visit for a list of acceptable photo IDs.
Sample ballots can be viewed at by typing in your name and date of birth in the Regular Voter Section, clicking on your name, then clicking on “what’s on my ballot”.
Licenses and Permits
Driveway Permit applications and the Town of Bayfield Driveway Ordinance are available in the Forms and Permits section of the website.
Do I need a permit from the Bayfield County Zoning Office for my proposed project and if so how do I complete the application process? All questions about County Zoning and how to apply for Zoning applications should be directed to the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning, 117 E. Fifth St., PO Box 58, Washburn, WI 54891, Phone: 715-373-6138. Website: Bayfield County Zoning Office Staff can explain any necessary approvals needed from the Town of Bayfield Plan Commission, Bayfield Town Board, and Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee and recommended applicant attendance at their meetings.
General information on Alcohol Licenses is available at Please contact the Town Clerk concerning applying for Liquor Licenses in the Town of Bayfield.
Dog License Applications are handled by Billie Hoopman, Town Treasurer. Applications forms are available at the Forms and Permits tab of the website or by contacting Billie Hoopman by email at
Operators License Applications are available in the Forms and Permits section of the website. There is a $25.00 annual fee. License requests are placed on the next scheduled Regular Town Board Meeting agenda and if approved licenses are issued as soon as possible following the meeting. General Information on Alcohol Licenses is available at For more information contact the Town Clerk.
Taxes and Assessments
Please contact Billie Hoopman, Treasurer. Email:
Guide for Property Owners
Open Records Request
Please send written Open Records Requests to the Town Clerk. A 25 cent/page charge applies for copies made.
Town Hall Rental
Please contact Billie Hoopman, Treasurer, Email: Application Forms and Agreements are available in the Forms & Permits section of this website.
Snow Removal
Please contact Billie Hoopman.
Applications are available in the Forms and Permits section of the website.
Garbage and Recyling
The BRB Recycling Authority offers garbage and recycling services for Town of Bayfield residents.
The Town of Bayfield offers an annual Dumpster Day for Town of Bayfield residents to dispose of trash and recycling free of charge. This event is held in May. Check the Notices tab of the website for related postings in April.
Road Maintenance and Issues
Questions and concerns related to any Town Road can be directed to Chuck Cadotte, Roads Foreman. Bayfield Town Garage,
Email: Town of Bayfield Garage
Phone: 715-779-3481.