Plan Commission Secretary Job Opening

Plan Commission Secretary Job Opening
The Town of Bayfield is hiring a Plan Commission Secretary to handle committee business 
including preparing agendas and minutes, making copies, phone and email correspondence, and 
preparing for and attending in-person and virtual meetings. Basic experience with Microsoft 
Office programs such as Word and Excel is necessary. Experience with Adobe Acrobat Pro, 
general website management, and Zoom is helpful. This is a part-time postion with variable 
hours, generally ranging from 5-10 hours per month. Must be available for monthly evening 
meetings held at the Bayfield Town Hall. Pay is negotiable depending on experience. Position 
open until filled. Please send a letter detailing your skills and interest by email to 
[email protected].  A job description is available below.

Kelly Faye, Clerk 
Posted: July 14th, 2023


Town of Bayfield Plan Commission Secretary Job Duties

Plan/Prepare for Upcoming Meetings: 

Maintain communication with the Town Clerk about incoming Bayfield County Zoning Department Zoning Applications or other issues to be considered by the Plan Commission.

Work directly with Plan Commission Chairperson to determine agenda items for upcoming meetings (and send copy of draft to Chairperson for approval if requested).

Prepare and post Meeting Agendas (with Zoom Link) on Town Website and Outdoor Town Hall Bulletin Board in a timely manner approximately one week in advance of meeting.

Prepare concise and accurate draft of most recent meeting minutes for approval at upcoming meeting.  

Email meeting materials (agenda, draft minutes, any zoning applications, and correspondence) to Town Clerk, Town Chairperson, Plan Commission Chairperson, and other Plan Commission members once available.  

Work with Plan Commission Chairperson to determine if cancelling a meeting may be appropriate (due to lack of agenda items or inclement weather) and post on town website, town hall bulletin board, and town hall door (as possible).  Email all interested parties.  

Attend Meetings:

Unlock the two Town Hall doors at least 30-minutes prior to meetings, turn up heat as needed.  

Print copies of agendas and last month’s meeting minutes for members of the public and place on table near front door for them to take upon entering.  

Set-up Zoom using town hall laptop, projector, and the OWL meeting camera system immediately prior to meeting time.   

Record meetings using a town-issued digital audio recorder and cloud-based Zoom file.  

Take detailed notes of meeting events to be used for preparation of monthly meeting minutes.

Take down and carefully put away laptop, projector, and owl camera for storage between meetings.  

Record Plan Commission member attendance/absences at meetings and provide to Town Clerk for quarterly payment of stipends.  

Turn down heat to 60-degrees upon leaving town hall, lock all doors.    

Report any recommendations on Zoning Applications (approval, denial, and/or conditions) from the Plan Commission to be provided to the Town Board, to Town Clerk by email immediately following meetings.

File Maintenance:

Maintain list of town resolutions and ordinances that have been established by the Plan Commission and help Town Clerk/Commissioners follow schedule of annual review of these documents as appropriate/assigned (including the Short-Term Rental Ordinance).  

Maintain copy of Plan Commission By-Laws.

Maintain printed copies of past agendas and minutes in binder kept in town office.  

Maintain digital copies of past agendas and minutes in town “cloud” files.  

Assist Town Clerk in maintaining list of current Plan Commission officer roles and terms. 

Record hours worked on timesheet and provide to Town Clerk for monthly paycheck preparation.


Use a variety of computer and word processing programs including: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Acrobat Pro (for PDF document sharing and editing) as needed. 

Pay attention to grammar and formatting standards.  

Treat members of the public and co-workers in a courteous and respectful manner.

Be available by phone/email for the Town Chairman, Plan Commission Chairperson, and others as needed.

Keep town hall keys and any other town-issued equipment in a secure location and use only for plan commission related purposes.  

Maintain reliable transportation. 

Immediately notify Town Clerk/Plan Commission Chairperson of any last minute and unexpected reasons that will prevent attendance.  

Education/Awareness of procedures:

Be aware of, and prepared to explain to applicants, the steps involved when the Bayfield County Zoning Office refers an application to the Town of Bayfield including: Plan Commission consideration and recommendation to the Bayfield Town Board, Bayfield Town Board recommendation to the Bayfield County Zoning Office/Committee.  

Maintain general awareness of Open Meeting Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order.

Maintain general awareness of the purpose and role of Plan Commissions in municipal government.  

Assist plan commission members in signing up for appropriate training sessions as they become available.  

Approximate Monthly Time Commitment: 

-Agenda item planning, document preparation, and online/bulletin board posting, and printing of meeting documents=1.5-2.5 hours

-Monthly Plan Commission meetings including town hall set-up and clean up time= Average 1.5-2 hours but can very occasionally take up to 4 hours for controversial topics or public hearings  

-Minutes preparation and printing including notes/recording review=1-2.5 hours

-Check-In with Town Clerk/Plan Commission Chair as needed=1 hour

-Occasional Special Projects, Trainings, or Sub-Committee Meetings:0-1.5 hours